Sharing Christ • Maturing Believers • Changing the World
We see a blazing light coming from Lusaka, Zambia. This light is a church named Miracle Life Family Church. We have seen its future brightness with God. It is a future that must come to pass and will come to pass. And we invite you to see this bright future with us. This is what this church looks like.
We see a church where the Word of God reigns supreme. It grows and prevails against unbelief, culture and worldly influence in the lives of people, creating Christ-formed lives. God’s word is taught clearly, believed deeply, lived purposefully and shared freely. As God’s word rises in the hearts of members, its influence is inescapable in the nation.
We see a church of thousands that is healthy, growing and full of love. Love for the broken and un-churched and love for one another. This church demonstrates the love of Jesus outside and inside its walls through acts of service and God’s transforming power. Teams of members share Jesus Christ boldly and clearly through a variety of activities so that our city knows God loves them and this love comes through Miracle Life Family Church.
We see a church that is radically intentional and effective to present each person mature in Christ. This church works with God’s power and grace to grow up ourselves and others into Christ-like followers who love, obey and produce inordinate amounts of fruit, bringing glory to God. These believers reach their full potential in Christ as they take personal responsibility for their lives, families and nation. They steward what God has given them and pass it on to further generations.
We see a church where large numbers of children and youth are presented with the gospel in a manner that they can understand. This future generation develops a personal, tangible, profound relationship with God that gives them the confidence to transform their world. These children and youth are developed through the word and worship to take bold stands of faith and fulfil the great commission.
We see a church where believers are developed through a process into godly leaders who are mature in character, knowledge and skill. These leaders impact our church, city, nation and world. We see these leaders taking positions as teachers in schools, CEOs of organizations, fathers of families, presidents of countries, heads of international agencies and each of these institutions transformed by godly practices and principles.
We see a church whose beautiful and green campus is a bustling hub of kingdom activity. It is a place where God’s mission and ministry are carried out by gifted and competent staff who faithfully use their leadership and spiritual gifts to equip others. We see a campus where people who have different languages, nationalities and walks of life come to worship, pray, serve and learn.
We see a church that sets a new Biblical standard on the African continent. A church that plans and executes with such excellence that it inspires other churches to reach new heights in delivering ministry. This church redefines what is “normal” when it comes to worship, serving God and serving others.
We see a Church whose head is Jesus, whose help is the Holy Spirit and whose focus is the Great Commission.