It is important to have a home church and if you do not currently have one, you are welcome to become a member of Miracle Life. We believe that the local church is a family and becoming a member means joining the family at MLFC. Church membership is open to those who are born-again, 18 years and older and have consistently attended a Connection Group and MLFC for at least three months.

The Foundation Membership Class is held on a Saturday morning and is scheduled 3 times a year. The class will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about membership at MLFC. You will hear from the heart of the Senior Pastors, have an opportunity to ask questions about various aspects of the church as well as our vision and mission.

The next Foundation Membership Class will be held on Saturday, 18 January from 9:00 to 12:00 hours. Registration deadline was Friday, 29 November 2024.